Birth of The Hive

Birth of The Hive
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Spring is Just Around the Corner...

Changes are underway and we are excited to share them with you. 

Most notably, our name is changing. AYUS (a sanskrit word for life) will be re-birthed as "The Hive"

The two side-by-side locations will now be referred to as The Hive Centre and the The Hive Bee & Bee

We are grateful for your part in creating The Hive Community. We hope you'll join us to celebrate our Re-Launch on April 16th! Stay Tuned!

What's In a Name?
Sometimes thousands of Honey Bees take residence at The Hive Centre.
We are also visited by Wild and Bumble Bees. Kevin is pictured here with a Bumble Bee.

Bees have been around since pre-historic times (80million+ years). So important is their role that we would not survive in a world without bees. Bees are rich in symbolism representing higher consciousness, the soul, creativity, death and re-birth. Bees are the only insects that produce food that is eaten by humans - rich in both nutritional and medicinal healing properties.

Honey Bees have lived at the church (The Hive Centre) since Kevin and Elsii moved in more than 15 years ago. Neighbours have noted that the Bees have always been there. The Bees are docile, friendly and easily handled by our resident Bee Whisperer, Kevin.  

Knowing our history with bees, a good friend suggested that we name the bed and breakfast "The Hive".  It's perfect. Guests love the name.

When one of our Advisors, Shayne, suggested we re-name everything to The Hive it just made sense. Bees have a fascinating commitment to community and their role within it - exactly what The Hive is all about!

Open Saturdays!

Starting On April 23rd, The Hive Centre will be open every Saturday with scheduled workshops from 10am - 4pm. 

Saturday mornings start with a specialized Kundalini Yoga Class, followed by a Frequency Meditation. Every Saturday at 1pm, The Hive will host a feature workshop - upcoming events include: Barefoot Healing, Edible Wild Food Tour & Tasting, Transforming Your Money Mindset, and more.

A full schedule of events will be listed on our new website in March.

What Else is Happening?
There are plenty of scheduled events coming your way - ancient and contemporary wisdom, holistic health, art, culture, music, and more.

In April, join us for a fascinating Astral Travel workshop; Reserve your spot for the popular Connecting Community Retreat; and do not miss an opportunity to attend a series of extraordinary events in June with Ajq'iij (Mayan Spiritual Guide) Shuni Giron. For the 4th year in a row, we welcome back the beloved Franco DeNicola - in June he will be joined by Master James Foo and will also lead a solo retreat in August.
Meet the Advisory Panel
Kevin Craddock is Co-Owner /Director. His welcoming and warm energy is felt by everyone who visits.
Alex Krebelj is our Community & Outreach Director. Alex has been with us from the start - his presence is invaluable!
Elsii Faria is Co-Owner/Director. Her goal is to encourage growth in a friendly, inclusive space.
Sue-Anne Adam, a gifted Artist and Intuitive, is our Director of Retail Partnerships & Volunteers!
Shayne Traviss, founder of, is Creative & Programming Director. He generously shares his wisdom with the team.
Meet Kaiya and Olivia. Our young Advisors have a long list of suggestions for children's activities. 
Committing to Community - The Hive Volunteering
We are so appreciative to the individuals who came forward to volunteer at The Hive. Among them is Francesca Schettini, owner of Design Events on a Dime and Linda Paulocik, former Director/Curator of The Station Gallery (the place where Kevin and Elsii first met). Meet them at the launch this Spring!

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering to assist us with our Children's Creative and Outdoor Programming every Saturday (10am-4pm), please contact us!
Social Enterprise Grant
Our Social Enterprise Training with iCommunityLab, the Ontario Centres of Excellence and Innoweave is coming to an end. We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in this pilot program for businesses who prioritize positive social and environmental impacts.

The training we received will go a long way toward building a foundation for success!
Catch Us on daytime!
On Friday, March 4th, Shayne Traviss and Elsii Faria will make a guest appearance on RogersTv's "daytime" Durham. Tune in at 11am!
Copyright © 2016, The Hive Centre, All rights reserved.

The Hive Centre

3390-3392 Concession Road 8
Leskard (Orono), Ontario, CANADA

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