Connecting community is our vision ...
“Community is a sign that love is possible in a materialistic world where people so often either ignore or fight each other. It is a sign that we don't need a lot of money to be happy - in fact, the opposite.” Jean Vanier
Expand, grow and connect with others - visit us this Friday, May 13th for a free evening of conversation and entertainment. If you've got a talent bring it, if you've got kids, bring em... Don't forget to check-out our upcoming workshops, events and retreats - spend the day or even an hour at The Hive and feel how transformative it can be.
Free Meet Up: Coffee Entertainment Chat
Come on out and celebrate Friday the 13th with us at The Hive!!! If you've got a talent bring it, if you've got kids, bring em... Let's get this community started!!!
Day Retreat: Meditation, Yoga, Lunch + The Hidden Powers of the Mind, Body & Spirit
Visitors are loving the staycation experience at The Hive!
Our day starts with a Frequency Meditation by The Hive cofounder, Kevin Craddock followed by beginner Kundalini Yoga with Angela Baldwin, an organic vegetarian lunch and to top it all off, an afternoon workshop where we’ll discover The Hidden Powers of Our Mind, Body & Spirit with Krista Moore.
Access your inner guidance and abilities. Stay the day for only $89. Register here.
Unable to stay the day? Choose to join one of the scheduled activities. Take a look at the events for more information.
Frequency Meditation with Kevin Craddock
Positively affect your well-being and how you relate to yourself and your experience through Frequency Meditation. Everything is in a constant state of vibration – frequency is vibration – frequency is sound. Join Kevin Craddock this Saturday morning at 10:00 am for Frequency Meditation.
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga with Angela Baldwin
Yoga has dozens of variations in philosophy and style. Kundalini Yoga is part physical workout, part meditation with an added emphasis on consciousness that activates energy centers throughout the body. Stay the day or join us Saturday morning! Listen to Angela Baldwin speak about working through the challenges.
Hidden Powers of Your Mind, Body, Spirit with Krista Moore
In this workshop with Krista Moore, healer-hypnotist, channel and guide, you will begin to find and bring forth greater health, happiness, freedom, support, love and purpose by activating the powerful energies, healing and guidance available to you. Class includes: instruction, class discussion, active demonstrations, group work and sharing. May include hypnosis, energy work, healing, and channeling.
Intro to Hatha Yoga with Jennifer Mackie
Starting May 26, Jennifer Mackie will lead a four-week Intro to Hatha Yoga series on Thursday from 7:30-8:30pm. She will explore asanas (physical movement), pranayama (breath) and meditation (mind). Jennifer will work mindfully with each participant - at every level of experience (from zero to advanced). Drop in rate is $20.
Drumming and Singing Yourself Alive with Brenda MacIntyre
Its time to let your soul out of the cage. Next weekend join us for singing, indigenous ceremony and drumming. Bring your drum for this transformative experience. Listen to Juno Award winning singer Brenda MacIntyre sing "Water From the Sky" from her powerful Medicine Song Woman collection.
Connecting Community featuring YOU
Connecting Community is shifting to a new date to be announced. We have collected some input from the community on how they would like to be involved - but have we heard from you?
Send us your thoughts - participants are invited (not obligated) to share a mini-workshop, presentation, performance piece, music, etc. with the group. This is an opportunity to gain exposure, share your gifts, connect with like-hearted people and experience a unique and engaging retreat.
The Buzz Boutique is open! We carry local, artisan and all-natural products. Visit us!
Last month, we had amazing facilitators lead unique classes and workshops. Take a look at the pics!
The Hive is nestled in 18 Acres of the Wilmot Creek Commemorative Forest. View photos.