Your VividLife with Shayne Traviss

Shayne Traviss is the founder of, a personal development website accessed by millions of people around the globe and the Author of Your Vivid Life, An Invitation to Live a Radically Authentic Life. Living authentically in a highly conditioned world is not always the easiest path. Shayne speaks to some of his life challenges […]

Shayne Traviss – Your VividLife

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Shayne Traviss – Your VividLife Author, Entrepreneur and Former Advisor to The Hive, Shayne Traviss, released his book in October 2019. The book launch was as brilliant as the title of his new book, Your Vivid Life. Living authentically in a highly conditioned world is not always the easiest path. Shayne speaks to some of […]

Hit Me Right in the Root Chakra

Shayne Traviss of My VividLife shares his beautifully written experience of participating the Naturally Gifted Retreat at The Hive Centre. “In this place there was no past, no future, just pure presence.” Read: Hit Me Right in the Root Chakra